Changes to Youth Girls Age Groups

Following from the huge success of girls footy last season, the 2019 season will see the following girls age groups: Under 12’s, Under 14’s and Under 17’s. The Under 14’s replaces last years Under 15’s.

Kiama Power is looking to nominate teams in all these age groups so get in now and register.

In the 2018 season the girls under 12’s were played on Sunday mornings and the Under 15’s on Friday nights. In 2019 it is expected that most girls games will be played on Sundays as part of the regular Junior club fixture, with the possibility of an occasional game on Friday night.

The U14’s and U17’s will be “competition” status with games played for points and finals. Given its success last year, the U12’s is expected to remain as “development” status with modified rules, especially with the number of new girls coming into the sport for the first time.

If you have any questions regarding youth girls footy at Kiama Power, please contact Dirk Ovenden on 0467 805 188.

Womens Footy is Here

Want to be a part of history? We are looking for any women interested in playing for the Power in the first ever Women’s AFLSC Senior Competition! Everyone is welcome regardless of your ability or experience. Tag your friends on our Facebook site and share this post to get the word around!

Click here to register your interest in playing

We are going to have a meet and greet night followed by a light run and BBQ on Wednesday 6th December at 6.30pm down at Bonaira Oval for all women and men wanting to play in 2018. Everybody is welcome to come down and find out more about what looks like is going to be another exciting year for the club. There will also be sessions on the 13th and 20th so don’t worry if you can’t make the 1st night.

For more info please contact Sue Hilton on 0403 296 838 or email